Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is Life Going by too Fast?

So being in college, this one of the most important times of our lives. It is the base to our life. This time right now will define where we will be tomorrow, a year from now, 5 years, or even in fifty. As any other college student would know though, that this time in life is by far the most stressful. For me, I've been in advanced placement classes all the way through high school. That was stressful. My friends were having fun while I was worrying about my homework. Sooner than later I began to not care. Why I didn't I wish I could say. I think it's because I've never seen the point of all this hard work for a life full of prosperity that will never be reached. Now that I'm in college, it's the same scenario. My grades are awful and I'm growing back into my depressed state of not carrying. I don't know what I want to do as profession. Why should I be working hard for something that I don't even know if I want?
To top it all off I lost my girlfriend not too long ago after a year's worth of being together. That hit me in the face like I crashed my car into a brick wall. I don't see half the friends I'd like to see on a regular basis. All I do is live my life day by day just to see another weekend. It's not an appropriate thing to say, but I simply live to party. The only time I can ever feel happy is on the weekends drinking with the people I love and never get to see.
This all brings me to a question though I just thought of before I started this post. Is life going by too fast? Like I said before I live for the weekends, but it's like every second I turn around the weekend is already here. Every week I think about it too. I think "That's another week already gone." Feels like yesterday I was one game away from a state title in football. It feels like yesterday I was receiving my High School diploma. In fact it feels like yesterday about too many things in life. I just wish I could answer my own question of "Will it be too late before I want to change?"


  1. Hey Taylor, take a deep breath. I know exactly how you feel. When I graduated from high school 22 years ago, I went to college and started out good for about 4 weeks then school wasn't enough for me. I did complete school but I struggled with myself and didn't like myself or anyone else either because my boyfriend and I broke up for good and that was tough because we had the same friends and he had a girlfriend right away and that hurt real bad. I started drinking a lot to num everything and my grades slipped and I started sleeping more and skipping school, I guess I was depressed. About 3 weeks before college semester was to end, I snapped out of it and completed my classes with JUST passing grades. I still graduated but my first year was hard and to making new friends helped and found people I could talk to helped. You are a great guy, good will come your way and keep that head up, people will notice you more if it is up not down, lol. See you in class and try smiling it will eventually make you feel good. I know that sounds corny but it works I watched a video in Amy Ramsay's class (Allied Health) and now I live my life like that. Life is good now. I was scared to come back to school last year because I am much older, but it is not that bad. Hang in there:)

  2. I would like to say that you are not the only one who feels this way. Also, I'm not sure that anyone coming directly out of highschool should or can know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. I also lived to party. If you know anyone from holmen highschool, that graduated some years back, ask them about rupplefest. Now I'm a little older and it is easier to understand why I'm applying all of my effort to school. I guess what I'm saying is don't stress about it any more than you have to. I just try to live my life in a fashion that will minimize the amount of regret that I will have later in life. I know, no regrets right, except that no matter what path you choose some of the choices you make may have some consequences. If you don't know what you are trying to accomplish with your education, then maybe you should take a break, get a job, and work until you know why and what your purpose is educationally. It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It only matters what you think, and what you want. So do whatever makes you happy.

  3. I often feel the same way, that life is giong by to fast. My twins turned 10 this year , and it seems like they were just babies yesterday. I hope you figure out what you want to do in life, just remember to try different things. Im sorry to hear about your relationship. I hope you find someone who will make you happy.I remember when I was with my kids dad, my friends hated him, they always told me "you know you can't find mister right when your with mister wrong." I believe that now. Good luck.
